Tommi Pasanen

b. 1995, Oulu

Lives and works in Helsinki


My practice is based on painting’s extensive traditions. Material enquiry is at the center of my work and I approach painting as a three-dimensional object, rather than an illusion of an image on canvas. History of oils, pigments and wood and their use in painting has been in my focus in recent years. By creating close relationship with materials I also strenghten my relationship with surroundings. Painting has become a method to familiarize myself with this world.


2022 – 2024        MFA, Academy of Fine Arts, University of the Arts, Helsinki

2018 – 2021        BFA, Academy of Fine Arts, University of the Arts, Helsinki



2023                     Syyssalonki (group), tm-gallery

2023                     Kuvan Kevät (MFA exhibition), Kuva/Tila

2022                     Laajasalo Summer Exhibition 

                              (duo with Toivo Heinimäki), Outdoors in Köökarinkenttä

2021                     Kosminen Kevätsalonki (group), Kosminen gallery

2021                     BFA Exhibition, Kuva/Tila



                               Finnish Painter’s Union

Works in Collections


                               Finnish State Art Commission (Valtion taideteostoimikunta)

                               Finnish Art Society – Art Lottery 2023 (Suomen Taideyhdistys, teosarpajaiset)

                               Private collections